Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010

smatic cheerleder!

heyaaaaa kmrn gue habis latian cheers looowc wk seperti biasa lah tp seperti biasa juga ngga fullteam :( tp gapapa lah besok harus fullteam ya pokoknya ihihihi,ohiya kita udah bisa beberapa pyramid looooc,dandandan insyaallah tgl 20 kita ikut tarlim cup hehehehehe,doain ya biar smatic menangggg ihihihihiw,ehiya kmrn kita habis bikin yel yel locccch mau tau ga mau tau ga kaya gimana????????rahasia............nggadeng ini nih
we are smatic
lets go smatic!
we are smatic
do your best
hey crowd! you know our color is red
hey crowd! you know our color is black
come on crowd
everybody yell
red and black
red and black
come on
red and black
smatic,go fight win!
ihihihi itulooooc bagus ga?bagus dooong ihi sebenernya ada yang lain yel yelnya,kalo yang td buatan kak getha kalo yang satunya buatan kita ihihi mau tau ga???ini nih
smatic go!
smatic fight!
smatic win!
everybody say
come on smatic red and black
come on smatic red and black
smatic,go fight win!
ihihihihihi itutuuuuuh buatan kita hehehehhe bagus kan iyadong-,-doain yaaa smatic ikut tralim trs menang AMINNNN,trs masuk 5besar NCC ahuaaaa mau banget uwuwuwuwuw mauuuuuu doain yaaa wjkj

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